For Webconf.asia 2020 expect talks on performance, UX, JavaScript, design, accessibility, illustration and much more!
The past years we hosted Val Head, Vitaly Friedman, Jake Archibald, Oliver Reichenstein, Monica Dinculescu, Tim Holman, Rachel Andrew and many more!
We don't have a Call for Speakers.
Your MC's:
Hui Jing Chen & Charis Rooda
Hui Jing Chen is a self-taught designer and developer living in Singapore, with an inordinate love for CSS. She is a Developer Advocate for Nexmo and a Mozilla Tech Speaker.
Charis Rooda is the person who started this whole Webconf.asia thing and a developer herself too.

Meet our speakers:
Harry Roberts
Performance Engineer at csswizardry.com
Harry is an award-winning Consultant Performance Engineer from the UK. With
a client list ranging from the United Nations to
Google, the BBC to
the Financial Times, he has
helped some of the world’s largest organisations make their websites faster.
He also holds positions as a Google Developer Expert, where he shares web performance research and findings, and as Performance Ambassador for SHIFT Commerce, where he aims to make ecommerce faster from the inside out.
He writes about all things front-end performance at csswizardry.com, speaks at tech events all across the globe, and regularly shares his insights at @csswizardry.
He will be talking about the impact of web performance. He will also be teaching a full-day workshop on Web Performance.

Andy Budd
Company Chairman and Co-Founder, Clearleft
As a renown Design Leader and agency CEO, Andy helps companies with issues of customer experience, product
strategy, and digital transformation. Andy is a designer at heart, having spent over 20 years in the field. He
loves using his knowledge of design, technology, and human behaviour to influence product strategy.
In his early career Andy helped pioneer the field of Web Standards through his work, his blog (one of the
trafficked in the UK at the time), and the publication of his best selling book - CSS Mastery. Later, Andy
popularise the field of UX design, setting up the UKs first dedicated UX agency, along with it’s first and
arguably best
UX conference.
Never happier than when he's diving some remote tropical atoll, Andy is a qualified PADI dive instructor and
retired shark wrangler.
Andy will be talking about The Accidental Design Leader.
As a renown Design Leader and agency CEO, Andy helps companies with issues of customer experience, product strategy, and digital transformation. Andy is a designer at heart, having spent over 20 years in the field. He loves using his knowledge of design, technology, and human behaviour to influence product strategy.
In his early career Andy helped pioneer the field of Web Standards through his work, his blog (one of the highest trafficked in the UK at the time), and the publication of his best selling book - CSS Mastery. Later, Andy helped popularise the field of UX design, setting up the UKs first dedicated UX agency, along with it’s first and arguably best UX conference.
Never happier than when he's diving some remote tropical atoll, Andy is a qualified PADI dive instructor and retired shark wrangler.
Andy will be talking about The Accidental Design Leader.
Una Kravets
Developer Advocate for Material Design at Google
Una Kravets is a Brooklyn-based international public speaker, technical writer, and Developer Advocate for Material Design at Google. She has written for various online publications such as A List Apart, 24 Ways, Smashing Magazine, and SitePoint, and started both the DC and Austin Sass Meetup groups. Una also co-hosts the Toolsday developer podcast and loves to experiment with CSS, image performance, and creative UI.
Una will be talking about CSS Houdini.

Daniel Appelquist
Director of Web Advocacy & Open Source, Samsung Research UK
Dan is a Web and Mobile industry veteran. He has been an
entrepreneur and CTO, working in the early days of the web. Later he also worked for European mobile
operators, helping to develop the standards and technologies behind the mobile web. He subsequently worked for
the UK Government Digital Service helping to develop open standards strategy.
Currently, he is the director of Web Advocacy at Samsung (based in London), co-chair of the W3C Technical Architecture Group, and is a member of the cross-browser MDN Product Advisory Board.
Daniel will be talking about Why We Need a more Ethical Web.
Jason Pamental
Strategist, designer, technologist at Responsive Web Typography
Jason spends much of his time working with clients to establish their
typographic systems and digital strategy, helping design and development
teams works smarter and faster, and running workshops about all of the
He is a seasoned design and user experience strategy leader with over 20 years’ experience on the web in both creative and technical roles, and an Invited Expert to the W3C Web Fonts Working Group. Clients range from type industry giants, Ivy League and High Tech, to the NFL and America’s Cup. He also researches and writes on typography for the web: he’s author of Responsive Typography from O’Reilly, articles for TYPE Magazine, .Net Magazine, PRINT Magazine, HOW, Monotype.com, and frequent podcast guest. Author of online courses for Aquent’s Gymnasium platform and Frontend Masters.
He’s an experienced speaker and workshop leader, having presented at over 50 national and international conferences. The real story: mainly he just follows Tristan and Tillie around Turner Reservoir, posting photos on Instagram.
Jason will be talking about Getting graphic: reinventing design with type on the web

Robyn Larsen
Front-end Developer at Shopify.com
Robyn Larsen is a front-end developer, entrepreneur, and
speaker. Robyn is also an active community member who
advises numerous startups across multiple industries and frequently mentors women in tech and STEM. She is is
member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) with Microsoft and Avalanche Canada.
She builds tools for entrepreneurs on the International team at Shopify and teaches Zero to
Launch workshops for entrepreneurs through Embrk,
she is a globe
trotting, adrenaline junkie currently living the remote dream in Singapore.
Robyn will be talking about Internationalization.
Robyn Larsen is a front-end developer, entrepreneur, and speaker. Robyn is also an active community member who advises numerous startups across multiple industries and frequently mentors women in tech and STEM. She is is a member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) with Microsoft and Avalanche Canada.
She builds tools for entrepreneurs on the International team at Shopify and teaches Zero to Launch workshops for entrepreneurs through Embrk, she is a globe trotting, adrenaline junkie currently living the remote dream in Singapore.
Robyn will be talking about Internationalization.
Miriam Suzanne
User-experience Designer and Front-end Architect at OddBird
Miriam is a co-founder at OddBird, with 15 years experience as a project manager, user-experience
designer, and front-end architect.
She is a user-experience expert, and a pioneer of modern CSS techniques – member of the Sass core team,
and creator of the popular Susy and True libraries.
Miriam is a staff writer for CSS Tricks, co-author of SitePoint’s Jump Start Sass.
Miriam will be teaching a full-day workshop on CSS and during the conference she will be talking about Dynamic CSS.

Benjamin Hersh
Design Lead at Dropbox
Ben Hersh designs to make the world a more thoughtful and creative place. He is currently a product designer at Dropbox and previously led design for a team at Medium. Ben came to design by way of visual art and cognitive science research at Stanford.Benjamin will be talking about Every Product Has A Voice
Vic Lee
Illustrator at Vic Lee
Vic Lee is a poet, an urban wordsmith who beautifies
surfaces with typographic fantasticalisms. An ink loving, coffee supping, spoked wheel rider from London Town.
He breaks bland with elaboration and modern elegance.
Using typography and frolicking lines, his art has been commissioned by the likes of Nike, Virgin Atlantic, Mercedes and The Famous Grouse to name a few. There is a romanticism to Vics work that encourages engagement and a smile in the mind.
His murals are freestyled and rarely planned out. His sweeping lines are testament to his commitment to his artform, Its a union of sorts between his pen and the surface he works to, an understanding of the visual harmony that can make a surface breathe and come alive.
Vic will be talking about The Pursuit of Happiness